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Stage plays and musicals.

Two of my plays were produced in Chicago: Billy at the Zebra Crossing Theatre and Boo-Boo the Vicious Yorkie at The Acting Studio. I currently have several new projects in the works, including:
– Musical Theater: Riot Grrrl
– Stage Plays: William Tell Overture, and Twelve-Stepping At the Circle K Lounge


My background in creating engaging visual content provides a fresh perspective on business communications, writing, marketing, or management.


There’s more to come on this page. Meanwhile, if you’d like more information on any of these projects, please contact me using the link at the upper right corner of this page.



Many playwrights have inspired my work over the years, like Edward Albee, Tony Kushner, and Harvey Fierstein, but it’s Oscar Wilde’s characterizations and clever dialogue that always float to the top of my mind as I write.


Image: “The Peacock Skirt”, illustration by Aubrey Beardsley for Oscar Wilde’s play Salomé (1892)

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